Hart's Local Farm-Grown Store in Hudson Michigan
We're proud to be a local family, serving our local community! Stop in the store and we can help you select just the right cut of meat for that special family meal. Read about our Non-GMO home farm below, and visit our online shop or local store, where all products are local to the communities around us.

The current generation working for Hart’s Local include:
Ashley Hart (front left) and Chad Hart (Back left), Kate Hart (middle front) and Burke Hart (middle back), Jessica Hart (front right) and Nick Hart (back right).

Our family farm was established in 1836, and has been kept in the Hart family ever since. We are currently in transition from the 6th generation of Hartland Farms Inc.(Brad and Tracey Hart) to their sons, the 7th generation Hart Brothers LLC(Chad, Nick, and Burke Hart) who plan on keeping a strong family tradition alive and well by bringing our products directly to our community.
We currently operate a 1,000 cow dairy, raise all of our own young stock, and grow almost all of our own feed, that is fed to our animals. Our animals are born here and raised locally in Clayton, MI. We also farm about 3,000 acres of crop land made up of corn, beans, wheat, alfalfa, all right here in Lenawee County.
Together with our fantastic crew of employees, we want to bring you superior products of dairy, beef, cheese and butter and give you the peace of mind knowing exactly where your food is coming from.